真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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和英ことわざ集・REVIEW (1)



1. 「ボーイフレンドが南アメリカに行くことになったので、彼と半年も会えなくなるの」「まあ、そうなると(=会えなくなると)いっそう思いがつのるわね」
'My boyfriend's going to South America and I won't see him for six months.' 'Ah well, a...... makes the heart grow f.......' (CALD)

2. シェープアップするなんて口先だけで言わないで、何かやりなさいよ。ことばより行動のほうが大切よ。
Don't just talk about getting in shape. Do something about it. Actions speak l...... than words.(SAEJD)

3. 「果物を食べなきゃだめよ。1日1個のリンゴは医者を遠ざけるって言うでしょ」と母が言った。
“You must eat your fruit,” said Mother. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” (SAEJD)

4. 京都の美しい古寺を訪れるたびに芸術は長く人生は短いということを実感する。
Whenever I visit the beautiful old temples of Kyoto, I realize a...... is long, l...... is short. (SAEJD)

5. 「どうしてきみが昇進しなかったんだろう。きみがいちばんの有資格者だと思ったけど」「世の中なんてそんなものさ」
“Why weren't you promoted? I think you were the most qualified.” “That's the way the b...... bounces.” (SAEJD)

6. 社長はカンカンになっているように見えるかもしれないけど、心配することはないよ。ほえる犬はめったにかまないって言うから。
The boss may look furious, but you needn't worry. Barking dogs seldom bite. (SAEJD)

7. 彼女の美貌にあんまり感心するのはどうかな。「美は皮一枚だけ」って言うぜ。
Don't be too impressed by her beauty. Beauty is but s....... (SAEJD)

8. 「ジムが貸してくれた辞書、バラバラになりそうなんだよ」「感謝しなきゃ。貸してもらう身でえり好みはできないよ」
“The dictionary Jim lent me is falling apart.” “You should be grateful. B...... can't be c.......” (SAEJD)

9. 「誕生日の2週間後にカレンからカードが届いたんだ」「へえー、遅れてももらわないよりはましだよ」
'Karen's card arrived 2 weeks after my birthday.' 'Oh well, better late than n.......' (CALD)

10. 第1希望ではなかったがその仕事につくことにした。まず確実なところを大事にせよというから。
I decided to take that job, although it wasn't my first choice. A b...... in the hand is worth two in the b....... (SAEJD)


1. 'My boyfriend's going to South America and I won't see him for six months.' 'Ah well, absence makes the heart grow fonder.'

2. Don't just talk about getting in shape. Do something about it. Actions speak louder than words.

3. “You must eat your fruit,” said Mother. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

4. Whenever I visit the beautiful old temples of Kyoto, I realize art is long, life is short.

5. “Why weren't you promoted? I think you were the most qualified.” “That's the way the ball bounces.”

6. The boss may look furious, but you needn't worry. Barking dogs seldom bite.

7. Don't be too impressed by her beauty. Beauty is but skin-deep.

8. “The dictionary Jim lent me is falling apart.” “You should be grateful. Beggars can't be choosers.”

9. 'Karen's card arrived 2 weeks after my birthday.' 'Oh well, better late than never.'

10. I decided to take that job, although it wasn't my first choice. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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