真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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和英ことわざ集・REVIEW (8)



1. 監督が電話をかけてきたので、ぼくがその役をもらえないことはもう聞いて知っていますって言ってやったんだ。悪い知らせはすぐに伝わりますからって、付け加えてね。
When the director called, I told him I had already heard I wasn’t going to get the part. Bad news t...... fast, I added. (SAEJD)

2. 「私、奨学金を申し込んだほうがいいと思う?」「そうね。やってみなければ何も得られないじゃない」
“Do you think I should apply for the scholarship?” “Yes, I do. Nothing v......, nothing gained.”(SAEJD)

3. 仕事をやめて以来、元の同僚のだれからも便りがない。まあ、去る者は日々にうとしの例だろう。
Since I quit my job I haven't heard from any of my former coworkers. I guess it's a case of out of sight, out of mind. (SAEJD)

4. 最初に車の故障、それから台所の火事、そして今度はマイクの事故。悪いことは重なるものだ。
First of all it was the car breaking down, then the fire in the kitchen and now Mike's accident. It never rains but it p......! (CALD)

5. 「おじいちゃん、どうしてそんなにカラオケが上手なの?」「練習が完ぺきにするって言うだろ?あれだよ」
“Grandpa, how come you're so good at karaoke.” “Practice m...... perfect.” (SAEJD)

6. ビルはたいした練習をしなくてもトライアスロンに優勝できると言ったが、ぼくはおごりは失敗のもとだと思っている。
Bill said he could win the triathlon without much training, but I think p...... goes before a fall. (SAEJD)

7. 勉強で遅れをとりたくないのなら、きょうできることをあしたに延ばしちゃだめだよ。
If you don't want to fall behind with your studies, never p...... off till tomorrow what you can do today. (SAEJD)

8. 「きみはまさに転石コケむさずを地で行ってるね」「それ、けなしてるのかい、それともほめてるのかい?」「両方さ」
“You're just like a rolling stone that g...... no moss.” “Is that meant as criticism or as a compliment?” “Both.” (SAEJD)

9. きみは将来りっぱな作家になれるかもしれないけど、まずしんぼうしなきゃね。ローマは1日にして成らずだよ。
You can be a great writer, but you must be patient. Rome was not b...... in a day. (SAEJD)

10. スペインにいたときは昼食後にシエスタをしたよ。郷に入っては郷に従え、だからね。
When I was in Spain, I took a siesta after lunch. When in Rome do a...... the Romans. (SAEJD)


1. When the director called, I told him I had already heard I wasn't going to get the part. Bad news travels fast, I added.

2. “Do you think I should apply for the scholarship?” “Yes, I do. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

3. Since I quit my job I haven't heard from any of my former coworkers. I guess it's a case of out of sight, out of mind.

4. First of all it was the car breaking down, then the fire in the kitchen and now Mike's accident. It never rains but it pours!

5. “Grandpa, how come you're so good at karaoke.” “Practice makes perfect.”

6. Bill said he could win the triathlon without much training, but I think pride goes before a fall.

7. If you don't want to fall behind with your studies, never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

8. “You're just like a rolling stone that gathers no moss.” “Is that meant as criticism or as a compliment?” “Both.”

9. You can be a great writer, but you must be patient. Rome was not build in a day.

10. When I was in Spain, I took a siesta after lunch. When in Rome do as the Romans.

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