真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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現代世界の英語−福祉 (2)


individual payment (of medical expense), individually paid medical expense, portion of medical expense to be paid individually (『ジャンル別トレンド日米表現辞典』 以下 TREND と記す)
expense: the amount of money that you spend on something - LDCE

health insurance treatment, (medical) treatment covered by health insurance (TREND)
cover: if your insurance covers you or your possessions, it promises to pay you money if you have an accident, something is stolen etc - LDCE
The treatment wasn't covered by her healthcare insurance. / Are we covered for theft? - LDCE

the national health insurance program

pension (insurance)
pension: an amount of money paid regularly by the government or company to someone who does not work any more, for example because they have reached the age when people stop working or because they are ill - LDCE

pension reform
pension plan [scheme]: a financial plan that allows you to receive money after you or your employer have paid money into it for a number of years - CALD
英語では「支払われる年金」(pension)と「年金制度」(pension plan [scheme, program])を区別します。

pension eligibility age
eligibility < eligible: someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age - LDCE

employees' pension insurance

employees' pension funds
pension fund: a supply of money which many people pay into, especially employees of a company, and which is invested in order to provide them with a pension when they are older - CALD

national pension

老齢[養老]年金 old-age pension
障害年金 disability pension
軍人年金 soldier's [military] pension (TREND)

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