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現代世界の英語−気象 (3)


air mass

atmosphere: the mixture of gases around the Earth - CALD

stratosphere: the layer of gases surrounding the Earth at a height of between 15 and 50 kilometers, which is not affected by the weather and in which the temperature increases with height - CALD
During the 1980s, the amount of ozone in the stratosphere above Europe decreased by about 8%. - CALD

対流圏 troposphere

jet stream
jet stream: a narrow current of strong winds high above the Earth which move from west to east - CALD

front: the place where two areas of air of different temperatures meet, often shown as a line on weather maps - LDCE
A cold/warm front is approaching from the west. - CALD

温暖前線 warm front
寒冷前線 cold front
停滞前線 stationary front
stationary: not moving, or not changing - CALD

梅雨前線 seasonal rain front
秋雨前線 autumnal rain front

atmospheric pressure
pressure: a condition of the air in the Earth's atmosphere, which affects the weather - LDCE
気圧配置 pressure pattern
ヘクトパスカル hectopascal, hPa

barometer: a device that measures air pressure and shows when the weather is likely to change - CALD

high (atmospheric) pressure, atmospheric high, anticyclone
anticyclone: an area of high atmospheric pressure which causes calm weather - CALD
A ridge of high pressure is building up strongly over the Atlantic. - LDCE

low (atmospheric) pressure, atmospheric low, cyclone, depression
cyclone: a violent tropical storm or wind in which the air moves very fast in a circular direction - CALD
depression: a mass of air under low pressure, that usually causes rain - LDCE
The deep depression over the mid-Atlantic will gradually move eastwards during the day. - CALD

熱帯性低気圧 tropical low (pressure)

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