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現代世界の英語−経済 (5)


the world economy
国民経済 national economy

bloc [regional] economy
bloc: a large group of people or countries with the same political aims, working together - LDCE
The European Union is a powerful trading/trade bloc. - CALD

gross domestic product, GDP
GDP: the total value of all goods and services produced in a country, in one year, except for income received from abroad - LDCE
gross: a gross sum of money is the total amount before any tax or costs have been taken away - LDCE
If the GDP continues to shrink, the country will be in a recession. - CALD

gross national product, GNP
GNP: the total value of goods and services produced by a country in one year, including profits made in foreign countries - CALD

net national product, NNP
net: the net amount is the final amount that remains after all the other amounts have been taken away - LDCE

gross national income, GNI
income: the money that you earn from your work or that you receive from investments, the government etc - LDCE
Average incomes have risen by 4.5% over the past year. - CALD

gross national expenditure, GNE
expenditure: the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of time - LDCE
The government's annual expenditure on arms has been reduced. - CALD

personal consumption, consumer spending
consumption: the act of buying and using products - LDCE
consumer: someone who buys and uses products and services - LDCE
Consumer spending was down by 0.1% last month. - LDCE

consumer spending, consumption expenditure

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