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現代世界の英語−政治 (8)


session, deliberations
deliberation: consideration or discussion of something - CALD
After five days of deliberations, the jury decided on a verdict. - CALD

公開審議 open session [deliberations]
非公開審議 secret [closed] session [deliberations]

motion: a formal suggestion made, discussed and voted on at a meeting - CALD
The motion was carried unanimously. - LDCE

emergency motion

resolution: an official decision that is made after a group or organization have voted - CALD
The United Nations passed (= voted to support) a resolution to increase aid to the Third World. - CALD

supplementary [additional] resolution
supplementary: provided in addition to what already exists - LDCE

steamrolling, railroading
steamroll = steamroller: to use great force either to make someone do something or on something to make it happen or be successful - CALD
railroad: to force or persuade someone do something without giving them enough time to think about it - LDCE
He steamrollered the bill through Parliament against fierce opposition. - LDCE
The workers were railroaded into signing the agreement. - LDCE

bill: a written proposal for a new law, which is brought to a parliament so that it can be discussed - LDCE
The senator introduced a bill that would increase the minimum wage. - LDCE

政府法案 government bill

legislation by lawmakers, lawmaker-initiated legislation
legislation: a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament - CALD
lawmaker: someone, such as a politician, who is responsible for making and changing laws - CALD
The government has promised to bring in new legislation to combat this problem. - LDCE

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