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か行 (1)

⇒大急ぎ hurried / whirlwind
英英定義 whirlwind: describes an event that happens very fast, and often unexpectedly
例文 We did a whirlwind tour of Europe. (SAJED)

⇒退職勧告 be persuaded to retire early / be asked to take early retirement

⇒本来の仕事の余暇、本業の合間 in one's spare [free] time / on the side
英英定義 on the side: used to say that someone does work in addition to their regular job
例文 Most consultants do private work on the side. (LDCE)

⇒金銭的な価値の高い物 valuables
英英定義 small objects, especially jewellery, which might be sold for a lot of money

⇒注意を集中してよく聞こうとする prick (up) one's ears
英英定義 if you prick up your ears or your ears prick up, you listen carefully because you have heard something interesting
例文 Jay pricked up his ears when I mentioned a vacation. (LDCE)

⇒物事の真偽・勝ち負けを最終的に決定・解決するための手段やよりどころ conclusive evidence
英英定義 conclusive: showing that something is definitely true
例文 The investigation failed to provide any conclusive evidence. (LDCE)

⇒言うことが身分不相応でなまいきだ It may sound presumptuous
英英定義 presumptuous: A person who is presumptuous shows a lack of respect for others by doing things they have no right to do
例文 It would be presumptuous of me to comment on the matter. (CALD)

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