真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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英語のなぞなぞ (4)


31. What do giraffes have that no other animal has?
Ans. Little giraffes. (キリンの子)

32. What happens when you throw a red hat in the blue ocean?
Ans. It gets wet. (ぬれる)

33. What is it that you cannot give without taking, and cannot take without giving?
Ans. A kiss. (キス)

34. What's the best way to keep milk from turning sour?
Ans. Keep it inside the cow. (雌牛の中に入れておく)

35. What question can never be answered by “Yes”?
Ans. Are you asleep? (きみは眠っているのか)
■ 他に Are you dead? (きみは死んでいるのか)など。

36. Where did John Hancock sign the Declaration of Independence?
Ans. At the bottom. (下の方)
■ ここでの「どこで」を「独立宣言の書面のどの位置で」と考える。アメリカの独立宣言の中でジョン・ハンコックの署名が特別大きく目立っていたことから、John Hancock は「自筆のサイン」の意で用いられる。

37. Why does a New Year's resolution resemble an egg?
Ans. Because it is so easily broken. (簡単にこわれるから)

38. How many big men have been born in New York?
Ans. None. (一人もいない)
■ 生まれたのは赤ん坊だけ。

39. If your uncle's sister is not your aunt, what relation is she to you?
Ans. Your mother. (きみの母親)

40. Yesterday is always before today; but there is a place where yesterday always follows today. Where?
Ans. In a dictionary. (辞書の中)

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