真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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英語のなぞなぞ (3)


21. What can you put in a cup but never take out?
Ans. A crack. (ひび、割れ目)

22. What goes up when the rain comes down?
Ans. Your umbrella. (傘)

23. What is it that lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its roots upward?
Ans. An icicle. (つらら)

24. What is the best key for unlocking the tongue?
Ans. Whiskey. (ウィスキー)

25. What number increases its value by half when you turn it upside down?
Ans. 6.

26. Where does Sunday come before Thursday?
Ans. In a dictionary. (辞書の中)
■ 辞書を引くとわかるように、Sunday の後に Thursday が載っている。

27. Why do we still use Latin on tombstones?
Ans. Because it's a dead language. (ラテン語が死語だから)

28. How far can you go into the woods?
Ans. As far as the middle. (中央まで)
■ 中央まで行ったらその後は出ていくことになるから。

29. If ten sparrows were on a roof and you shot one, how many would remain?
Ans. None. (1羽も残らない)
■ みんな飛び去ってしまうから。万国共通(?)のなぞなぞ。

30. A family built a big square house with each side facing south. A big bear wandered by. What color was the bear?
Ans. White. (白)
■ 地球上でどの面も南を向いている家を建てられる地点は北極である。

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