真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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和英ことわざ集・REVIEW (3)



1. 「部長が出張に行っている間はみんなのんびりできたね」「ああ、鬼のいぬ間の洗濯さ」
“We all took it easy while the chief was on a business trip.” “Yeah, when the c......'s away, the m...... will play.” (SAEJD)

2. 家にいてお父さんの世話をしなきゃだめよ。愛はまずわが家からって言うでしょ。
You ought to stay in and look after your father. C...... begins at home. (CALD)

3. ひょっとしたら銀行から借りられるかもしれないけど、取らぬタヌキの皮算用をしちゃだめだよ。
You might be able to get a loan from the bank, but don't count your c....... (CALD)

4. ぼくは子供たちがおとなたちと自由に話をすることは教育的だと思うね。親が見えるところにいて何も言わない方がいいなんて、古い考え方だよ。
I think it's educational for kids to talk freely with adults. That children should be seen and not h...... is an outdated idea. (SAEJD)

5. 「あしたの夜は体があいてるから、きみとパティーといっしょにコンサートに行けるね」「悪いけど、おじゃま虫はかんべんしてくれ」
“I'm off tomorrow night, so I can go to the concert with you and Patty.” “Sorry, but two's c.......” (SAEJD)

6. 友だちは慎重に選びなさいよ。付き合っている仲間でどんな人間かがわかるんだから。
Choose your friends carefully. A man is known by the c...... he keeps. (SAEJD)

7. その同じプロジェクトにはとても多くの人が取り組んでいて、だれも他の人が何をしているのか知らなかった。「船頭多くして、船山に登る」の例だったと思う。
There were so many people working on the same project, no one knew what anyone else was doing. I think it was a case of too many c....... (CALD)

8. 無理なことを言われても、お客様は神様だということを忘れないように。
Even if he or she is unreasonable, remember that the customer is always r....... (SAEJD)

9. 彼は知りすぎていたから殺されたのだと思う。死人に口なしってわけだ。
'I think they killed him because he knew too much. Dead men tell no t....... (CALD)

10. きのうアナがどんな目にあったか聞いた?―あら、うわさをすれば何とやらね。彼女が来たわ。
Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday - oh, speak of the d......, here she is. (CALD)


1. “We all took it easy while the chief was on a business trip.” “Yeah, when the cat's away, the mice will play.”

2. You ought to stay in and look after your father. Charity begins at home.

3. You might be able to get a loan from the bank, but don't count your chickens.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. がフルセンテンス。

4. I think it's educational for kids to talk freely with adults. That children should be seen and not heard is an outdated idea.

5. “I'm off tomorrow night, so I can go to the concert with you and Patty.” “Sorry, but two's company.”
* フルセンテンスは Two's company, but three's crowd. ですが、このように Two's company. とだけ言うこともあります。

6. Choose your friends carefully. A man is known by the company he keeps.

7. There were so many people working on the same project, no one knew what anyone else was doing. I think it was a case of too many cooks.
Too many cooks spoil the broth. がフルセンテンス。

8. Even if he or she is unreasonable, remember that the customer is always right.

9. I think they killed him because he knew too much. Dead men tell no tales.

10. Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday - oh, speak of the devil, here she is.
* フルセンテンスは Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. ですが、会話では Speak of the devil. とだけ言うことが多く、Speaking of the devil. と言うこともあります。

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