真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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英会話の決め手、英語の句動詞 前置詞・副詞別 (2)


I'll just turn the car round and go back the way we've come. - CALD
turn around 「(反対方向に)向きを変える」

We spent the afternoon fooling around on the beach. - CALD
fool around 「あてもなくぶらつく」
Don't fool around with matches. - CALD
fool around with 「もてあそぶ」
fiddle around 「ぶらぶら過ごす」
I was just fiddling around in the kitchen. - CALD

She jumped at the chance of a trip to Paris. - CALD
jump at 「飛びつく、喜んで応じる」
If you say that, people will just laugh at you. - CALD
laugh at 「見て・聞いて笑う」⇒「ばかにする、あざ笑う」
go at 「(懸命に)取りかかる」
Mary went at the task with great enthusiasm. - LDCE

We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds. - CALD
get away (from ~) 「逃げる」
It was weeks before the bruises went away. - CALD
go away 「痛みなどが消える、なくなる」
Malcolm and my sister are planning to run away together to get married. - CALD
run away (from ~) 「逃げる」
explain away 「うまく釈明する」
I don't know how you're going to explain away that dent you made in your dad's car. - CALD
pull away 「身を引き離す」
She pulled away just as he was about to kiss her. - CALD

He was cruel because he wanted to drive me away. - LDCE
drive away 「追い払う」
She accused him of running away from his responsibilities. - CALD
run away (from ~) 「逃げる」
scare away 「おどして追い払う」
She moved quietly to avoid scaring the birds away. - LDCE
wish away 「なくなるように願う」
You can't just wish your problems away, you know! - LDCE

The sound of his footsteps gradually died away. - CALD
die away 「風・音・光などがだんだん弱くなって消える」
wear away 「すり減る」
The leather is starting to wear away at the seams. - LDCE

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