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現代世界の英語−食品 (3)


food poisoning
food poisoning: a stomach illness caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria, so that you vomit - LDCE
集団食中毒 mass food poisoning

E. coli, Escherichia coli
E. coli: a bacterium (= small organism) that can exist in food which has not been cooked enough and can cause serious illness or death - CALD

salmonella: a type of bacteria that exists in several forms, some of which live in food and make the people who eat it ill - CALD

mad cow disease, BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy
BSE: a brain disease in cattle which causes the death of the animal - CALD

avian [bird] flu [influenza]
avian flu: an infectious disease that spreads very quickly among birds and can sometimes kill them. People can also catch the disease. - LDCE

food additives
additive: a substance which is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to preserve it - CALD
Our products are free from artificial additives. - LDCE

food preservative
preservative: a chemical substance that is used to prevent things from decaying, for example food or wood - LDCE
This bread is completely free from artificial preservatives. - CALD

artificial sweetener
sweetener: a substance used to make food or drink taste sweeter - LDCE
No artificial sweeteners are used in this product. - LDCE

artificial coloring, artificial coloring material [agent]
coloring: a substance that is added to food or drink to change its colour artificially - CALD
agent: a chemical or substance that is used for a particular purpose or that has a particular effect - LDCE
It says on the label that no preservatives or artificial colourings have been added. - CALD

antioxidant: a substance which slows down the rate at which something decays because of oxidization (= combining with oxygen) - LDCE

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