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あ行 (2)

⇒人の言いまちがいや言葉じりをとらえて非難したり、からかったりする pounces on a slip of the tongue.
英英定義 pounce on: to immediately criticize a mistake
例文 He knows that his critics are waiting to pounce on any slip that he makes. (CALD)

get a/one's foot in the door
英英定義 to enter a business or organization at a low level, but with a chance of being more successful in the future
例文 At last she got her foot into the door of the movie world. (SAJED)

⇒計画や目的を達成するための下準備 get/gain a foothold
英英定義 foothold: a strong first position from which further advances can be made
例文 We are still trying to get/gain a foothold in the Japanese market. (CALD)

⇒ひどい仕打ち harsh treatment
英英定義 harsh: unpleasant, unkind, cruel or unnecessarily severe
例文 I didn't expect such harsh treatment from him. (SAJED)

⇒ 相手の弱点につけ入るtake advantage of somebody's weakness
英英定義 take advantage of: to treat someone badly in order to get something good from them
例文 I think she takes advantage of his good nature. (CALD)

⇒はじめから from the first
例文 I've opposed the proposal from the very first. (CALD)

⇒融通がきかず、考え方がかたくなである pigheaded
英英定義 showing unreasonable support for an opinion or plan of action and refusing to change or listen to different opinions
例文 Never have I met a woman so obstinate, so pigheaded! (LDCE)
■ もちろん stubborn を用いることもできます。

⇒物質的・精神的に受けたはなはだしい打撃 reat [heavy] blow
例文 His absence was a great blow to our team. (SAJED)

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