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⇒後ろから指さして非難される、陰で悪口を言われる make people talk behind someone's back
■ 主語には「後ろ指をさされる」原因となるものがきます。

⇒物事が期待や希望とは反対の結果になる backfire
英英定義 to have the opposite result from the one you intended
例文 Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he went off with her best friend. (CALD)

⇒学問・技能・性格などの程度が他の人よりまさっている be a cut above
英英定義 to be much better than someone else or something else
例文 The movie is a cut above recent thrillers. (LDCE)

⇒助けてもらったり、つらい目にあわせたりしたことについて負担に思う気持ち be [feel] indebted to
英英定義 indebted: grateful because of help given
例文 We're deeply indebted to you for your help. (CALD)

⇒不正・不備などをきびしくとがめだてしない overlook / let it go [pass]
英英定義 let something go: to not punish or criticize someone for something they have done wrong
例文 I know what he said wasn't strictly accurate but I let it pass anyway. (CALD)

⇒ひどくしかられる get bawled out / catch it
・英英定義 bawl someone out: to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong
例文 He was afraid Vic would bawl him out for being late. (LDCE)
・英英定義 catch it: to be punished by someone such as a parent or teacher because you have done something wrong
例文 You'll catch it if Dad finds out. (LDCE)

⇒肉体的・精神的成熟が遅い人 a late developer [bloomer]
英英定義 someone who becomes good at something after people usually become good at it
例文 At school she was a late developer, and it wasn't until she went to university that her talents became apparent. (CALD)

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