シェイクスピア関連の英語フレーズ (2)
All that glitters is not gold
from The Merchant of Venice 『ベニスの商人』
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players
from As You Like It 『お気に召すまま』
All's well that ends well
from All's Well That Ends Well 『終わりよければすべてよし』
And thereby hangs a tale
from As You Like It 『お気に召すまま』
As cold as stone
from Henry V 『ヘンリー五世』
As dead as a doornail
from Henry VI 『ヘンリー六世』
■ doornail は「昔、飾りのためにドアに打ったびょうくぎ」のこと。
As good luck would have it
from The Merry Wives of Windsor 『ウィンザーの陽気な女房たち』
■ good の代わりに bad / ill とすれば「運悪く、あいにくと」の意になる。
As merry as the day is long
from Much Ado About Nothing 『空騒ぎ』
As pure as the driven snow
from The Winter's Tale 『冬物語』, Macbeth 『マクベス』
At one fell swoop
from Macbeth 『マクベス』
■ at a single swoop ともいう。fell は「すさまじい、激しい」、swoop は「さっと飛びかかること」の意。