真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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英語のなぞなぞ (2)


11. What can you never eat for breakfast?
Ans. Lunch and dinner. (昼食と夕食)

12. What goes up and down stairs without moving?
Ans. A carpet. (じゅうたん)

13. What is full of holes and yet holds water?
Ans. A sponge. (スポンジ)

14. What is taken before you get it?
Ans. Your photograph. (自分の写真)

15. What man shaves more than twenty times a day?
Ans. The barber. (床屋)

16. Which side of leopard has more spots?
Ans. Outside. (外側)

17. Why did they bury Lincoln on a hill?
Ans. Because he was dead. (リンカーンが死んだから)

18. How can plumbers tell what the weather will be without weather instruments?
Ans. Listen to the weather forecast. (天気予報を聞く)

19. If it took five men one day to dig up a field, how long will it take ten men to dig up the same field?
Ans. No time at all. (全くかからない)
■ その畑はすでに掘り起こされているから。

20. A boy was 9 on his last birthday, and will be eleven on his next birthday. How is this possible?
Ans. Today is his tenth birthday. (今日が男の子の10歳の誕生日)

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