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英作文練習:副詞節−結果 (2)


1. 休みなしに長い距離を歩いたので、彼らは疲れ切っていた。
I'm exhausted [am all worn out, am dead tired].
(私はくたくたに疲れた)- SAJED

They had walked a long way without stopping, so (that) they were dead tired.
a long way

2. あまりにも古い歌だったので、みんな知らなかった。

It was such an old song that nobody knew it.
◎<such ... that S + V>「非常に…なので〜」 《... は形容詞+名詞》

3. 列車がとても込んでいたので、わたしは名古屋までずっと立ちどうしだった。
Since there was no bus service, we had to walk all the way to the hotel.
(バスがなかったのでホテルまでずっと歩かなければならなかった)- LPJED

The train was so crowded that I had to stand all the way to Nagoya.

4. 彼の字はとても汚いので、手紙を読むのにいつも苦労する。
Your handwriting is good [poor]. / You have good [poor] handwriting.
(きみは字がうまい[へただ]ね)- SAJED
I had trouble finding your house.
(きみの家を見つけるのに苦労したよ)- SAJED

His handwriting is so poor that I always have trouble reading his letters.

5. 去年の夏は非常に暑かったので、思っていた半分も本が読めなかった。
He earns half as much money as you.
(彼はきみの半分ほど金を稼ぐ)- SAJED
I spoke to him, but he didn't even turn around.

It was so hot last summer that I couldn't read even half as many books as I had wanted to.

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