英作文練習:比較 (2)
1. 8人分のパンを焼くにはこの4倍の小麦粉が必要だ。
In order to bake bread for eight, you need four times as much flour as this.
⇒<in order to V>
2. 今年はできるだけたくさんの本を読む計画を立てた。
Have you made any plans for the summer vacation?
(何か夏休みの計画を立てましたか)- SAJED
I have made plans to read as many books as possible this year.
◎<as … as possible>「できるだけ…」《… は形容詞・副詞または形容詞+名詞》
3. 今年は桜の花が例年よりも多少遅いようだ。
Plum blossoms have begun to come out here and there.
(梅がちらほら咲き始めた)- LPJED
It seems that the cherry-blossoms are coming out a little later than usual this year.
⇒<it seems that S + V>
4. 母は見かけよりじょうぶだ。
My mother is healthier than she looks.
5. スカイダイビングは最も危険なスポーツの一つです。
Skydiving is one of the most dangerous sports of all.
⇒ dangerous